Did You Know?
Shortest And Longest Bible Verse?
Shortest bible verse is "Jesus wept." John 11:35
What Is The Great Commission?
Then Jesus came to them and said, "Al authority ni heaven And on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make Disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matt 28:18-20
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is a person in the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God the Son is God in human form. The Holy Spirit comes to live inside us when we accept Christ as our Savior to help us grow closer to God. Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, gives us new life, lives ni us and instructs us and gives us power to serve Christ. Holy Spirit makes us a new creation and a witness for Christ.
How Many Promises Ae In Bible?
Longest bible verse is Esther 8:9 with 90 words.
Why Pray? How To Pray?
We pray for various reasons. Prayer is a form of serving God and obeying Him, Luke 2:36-38. We are commanded to pray, Phil 4:6-7. Prayer is exemplified by Christ and the early church, Mk 1:35, Acts 1:14, 2:42, 3:1, 4:23-31, 6:4, 13:1-3.
If Jesus prayed to God the Father, so should we also. Prayer provides us answers, strength over temptation, overcome demonic activity, discerning God's will, wisdom and knowledge. Sometimes we go without because we do not ask.
Alack of prayer shows a lack of faith and trust in Scripture. God promises that fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes
Much, James 5:16-18.
What Is The Rapture?
1Thess 4:13-17. Jesus will come back to earth for the believers, both those alive and dead. The rapture is the transformation and catching up of all Christians, dead or alive, t0 meet Christ in the air at a time only known to God the Father. Wouldn't it great to be raptured while alive!
What Are The 5 Heavenly Crowns?
The imperishable crown - 1Cor 9:24-25
The crown of glory - 1Peter 5:4
The crown of life - Rev 2:10
The crown of rejoicing - 1Thess 2:19
The crown of righteousness - 2Tim 4:8
Are There Rewards On Earth?
Yes. We reap rewards or increase based on what we sow here on earth. But the great rewards will be in heaven.
Matt 6:20 Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do nor destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.
What Is The Armor Of God?
This is spiritual armament used each morning to prepare for battle against Satan
and his demons. The armor is:
Girdle of Truth - to stand firm and not be a victim of Satan's lies Breastplate of Righteousness - guards heart from evil and protected under blood of Jesus Christ
Shoes of Peace - stand firm ni Good News of the Gospel exhibiting God's peace and a light to everyone
Shield of Faith - to protect from enemy's darts of doubt, denial and deceit
Helmet of Salvation - to keep the mind focused on God and not the enemy
Sword of the Spirit - double edged sword to expose the temptations of Satan.
Put on the whole armor and be prepared to live the day in spiritual victory.